Hello... *-.-*
Do you keep a journal? Not a diary but a journal where your thoughts on things, places and people are kept?

Me, at the moment... I have a couple! ;-)
The first one, which I began to keep last year is called "writing adventures". I like to give titles to my journals, because I like to theme them, the "writing adventures" journal is all about my adventures and misadventures with people and places... and where sometimes I answer questions from people, that I think are hard for me to answer in person. So I write about them =)
And then just this year, I started another one, I called it, "letters to my daughters"... you might be wondering why at their age right now (Alphie is almost 3 and Noa Stina is almost 1 year old) I am writing a letter to them when they can’t even read?
Maybe I am just impatient, I can’t wait for them to grow up before telling them about the things I see, and feel, and admire, hate or love. There is no better time to tell my feeling s for them and the advise I want to give them, but now.
So, in this little journal, I write to them, and my heart speaks to them thru ink and paper.

Most of my journals are written in MS word documents and saved in my personal computer, if I have my old typewriter I would write thru that, but that old fella’s been long gone, swallowed by a flood back in year 2000 (that’s another story for another day). While I am very thankful to the technology we are all enjoying, I still love penned letters… so after writing them on my PC, I pen them down in my notebook.

Mr. Mister gave me a new journal, he brought as present for me from his trip to San Francisco, he knows my weaknesses, and so I immediately fell in love with this little pretty notebook! [yes, it's the lovely notebook on the photos].
The new home of my letters to Alphie and Noa Stina.

I hope they would enjoy reading those letters as much as I enjoyed writing them.
And that they will be patient enough to make out the words even if their eyes hurt from reading my penmanship [tee hee].
Hope I was able to inspire you to write too using the good old pen and paper. Pour your thoughts out to a loved one or a friend… =)
Happy writing!