I like the word
Paramour, it's one of my favorite words aside from "um" and "hello" hee hee! This beautiful and intriguing word both have negative and positive meanings, depends on how you use it and look at it. I use this word to describe how I would do and achieve 32 things I am passionate about... my goals, my family, dreams and wishes!
Before I proceed my lovely readers, let's look at the etymology of this word for a moment ♥♥♥
Paramour is a French word or phrase that means "to be involved in an affair, or a love affair" oooh... sounds intriguing isn't it? while it literally means from the Middle English,
from par amour, by way of love, passionately, from Anglo-Norman : par, by (from Latin per; see per1 in Indo-European roots) + amour, love (from Latin amor, from amre, to love).] ... and I assure you my dear friends that I am totally inclined into the latter meaning!
So let's get back to the real subject here,shall we? I have listed down 32 of my goals, wishes and dreams in my journal, I am serious in making them happen, and "by way of love" I am going to do them... here are some of the 32 wishes, things and activitites on my list, there are more but that's for another time:
1. Eat Right- there is nothing more important than being healthy! How can we do all the things that we love if we are sick? We need to be out and about =) and for the sake of our loved ones... we must be fresh and healthy... I know you very much with me in this... so let's keep healthy and stay beautiful inside out ;-)
2. To give and send out pretty packages wrapped with love and sweetness: I need to open up the online shop of my dreams and start working on the orders... please please please, Lord let me have the time to organise and and create and start that small small step into making this dream true...
Also, send out all those handmade gifts to friends and make them smile a little more ;)

3. To send out handwritten notes and lettersI miss sending and receiving hand written notes! Really, it's been ages since I receive and send out one, so this year I will make sure to send out hand written letters to friends and love ones... I sincerely apologise in advance if you would have a very tough time reading them though, but surely it will be worth it!

4. To Sew & Craft... I love sewing, my "nanay" (grandmother) taught me how to sew using both my hands and a manual sewing machine... so I am reviving the old ways of creating thru sewing... it takes time but I know I will make some!
5. To go and discover places and meet people May it be in the local botanic gardens or back to Manila, I must go and explore a place and meet people ;-) life should also be about discovery... so that's what I am going to do, of course most of these activities will be done with my sweet Mister and cute girls =)
6. Wake up to beautiful mornings! and the ugly ones too =) Well to be honest I am not a morning person, but I do have the habit of waking up as early as 7am during weekdays and 9am on weekends! Haha but because of my sweet girls, me and the mister must be up when they are!... but really, they said early to rise, makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise... have to be early to bed then. Now that's another challenge
7. To write, write, write!In anyway possible.. I must write! Whether in this little blog, in my journals, in my hand written notes, I must write it all down baby =)

So many things to do this year... I hope this will be another fruitful, inspiring and lovely year for all of us.
May you always find time to do things that matter to you with the ones you love. Send penned letters, travel the world, meet people... eat right and do everything par amour!
Have a lovely day!
PS. photos taken from my iphone and edited using a few apps and one of them is this cool app called instagram