Today morning, I saw this movie -
Julie & Julia... I was fascinated how these two women were inspired to write. For Julia she wrote a cook book out of passion for food and cooking great food and to share the passion across cooks and women in America who may never be able to go to France and taste French cuisine, and women who don’t have much to spend for cooking lessons. And for
Julie, a writer at heart who found the inspiration to pursue a dream, a calling... these two women inspired me today on my "B" day to look back on the day I began to write and how I fell in love with writing (and reading, and creating, and cooking!), and reflected on what inspires me to write and to pursue a dream.
What drives me to continue to write penned letters despite of my ugly handwriting, and to continue writing and sharing on this little blog in the little corner of the web... to share and learn and maybe somehow, in return... inspire someone out there to write and dream and pursue and prevail!

But first, I want to ask you this question my sweet readers (whoever you are, if there is any out there)...
How do you write?
A poem? A letter... or lyrics to music? A prose, a novel or even a blog?
What inspires you to pick up that pen or open you word office tool in your pc and start typing?
As for me, a little history on my writing... I started to write when I was in grade school, yeah you might say I first learnt to write my name... sure that counts! But really wrote something creative and out of inspiration began when I was in fourth grade. I wrote a letter to my mom, as she used to always travel for work, I used to write to her or make a card for her... while I was writing on her birthday card, I noticed that the words just seem to rhyme... and that is when I discovered, I can write poems and love writing poems!
We had a small library at the public school I went to and every week I would volunteer to help clean or stack the books at that library so i could get free hours reading poems and nursery rhymes and short stories and literature. I continued writing letters to my mom, to my friends from the many different schools I went to and to my cousins. The prose, the verses I read inspired me to write and write and write.
In high school, I joined the school paper "The Clarinet". I was in my first year, I focused more on writing poems, our English teacher introduced us to writing “Haiku” and I was addicted! I continued to write in college, for a college paper I was in the creative and features section. My dad, gave me his typewriter so I could have more time to write my short stories and poems... until slowly withou going unnoticed... the computer age came.
No more typewriters or penned letters, the internet age has taken over the missives we used to send via the snail mail... there came the sms or text messaging... and admittedly, i did stopped sending penned letters and I have neglected writing for a time... I was so busy with my work, with some other things in my life and forgot about that passion. But I never lost the habit of keeping a journal... yes despite all that techno influence, I still write from time to time in my dusty old journal... kept underneath the bed or at the bottom of my closet. I may have forgotten about writing but I didnt lose that passion.
I may not be as dedicated as Julie or Julia, but I can proudly say... I still write and able to... and promise to never lose that passion and make time to write... either a short note to my Mister or in my journal dedicated to my daughters. I will write.
So I encourage you sweet reader, whatever it is you want to pen down... do it. Whatever method. Whatever style.
And oh, it's fun to write with a good cup of coffee and a slice of cake!
I wish Julie is here, I would love to taste that delicious beef bourguignon =)
I also love to cook for my mister, but that's something to write for another day...
Happy writing!
03 Mar 2011