The year that was was a struggle for me; to remain still, to listen, to wait, and most of all to love in the most unconditional and simplest way. But then again time tested my wisdom, and without faith we lose our wisdom, hence we lose our peace and joy.

I always ask this question, where does wisdom really come from? Is it from the experiences? From the older loved ones and people around us? Or is it from deep within? Last year, I have made some decisions in fear of not being able to provide for my family, I failed to search for the wisdom, I failed to listen. What I thought was the right move, the right moment, took away my peace... and for the rest of the year I was always worried, tired and confused.
And so this year I am determined to listen and find wisdom and as much as I could to avoid making impulsive decisions.
I am not a very religious person nor do I have the habit of reading the Holy Bible, but on my birthday, I felt I need words of encouragement, divine words of encouragement. So, I picked up a book I bought for my self sometime in 2009, this book was by Joyce Meyer - "Hearing From God Each Morning" to somehow check if there is anything that would helo me answer my questions.
On my birthday the word for the day from Joyce's book was about "being open to hear a fresh word from God each day"... I am not so spritiual either but I can say that there are times when I needed to talk and complain to Him, he somehow answers me back... I dont realise that soon enough but I feel it after the dust has settled. Over the years, these answers come to me in a dreams or thru someone. or something that I would thought would be able to deliver His message.. and it's funny but in my mind I will say to myself, "okay I get that God, now I understand".
So this year, my ultimate goal is to always find and have wisdom in my heart and in my mind. To learn to listen and be still. In whatever I do, there must be wisdom in it, may it be crafting, writing or taking care of my family.
I know this year will also have its own set of struggles and tears, disappointments, laughter and happiness. But with wisdom, I know I will always have the right amount of peace and joy in my life.
I am just thankful.
Jacelyn Darelam
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