Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wickedly Inlove

Nobody mourns the Wicked!

Or so we thought… until we get to know the story of the witches of Oz!

Hello my sweet readers, I have been containing this excitement for days now, and I have been contemplating how to best share with you the joy and "goosey bumpsy" feeling after watching a musical after so many years.

Just a day before the Lunar New Year, Mr. Mister and I had the privilege of watching the award winning and much talked about musical of the year – Wicked! Thanks to the amazing people who pushed for a flat rate for partner offers and we were able to book seats just 4 rows from the stage and orchestra. I was able to see up close the brilliant performers and the magnificent set of the show at the Marina Bay Sands – Grand Theater.

It’s been years since I last stepped into a theater… all those dormant years of longing to see performers, touch garments of awesome costumes and hear the footsteps of the production crew busy preparing at the backstage before a show begins, or visit a green room where performers rest and await their turns at the stage.

You might wonder why I long to do such things? A little personal history, I would like to share with you is that I used to dance ballet at the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP), with the Ballet Philippines group… yeap, you are reading it right! Haha, I used to dance and perform… though I was a bit of a shy girl; I did enjoy all those ballet years. I feel I am one with the spirit of the arts when I am performing, it's such an amazing joy. The last dance I performed with talented dancers was the Nutcracker at the Tanghalan (Nicanor Abelardo), Christmas of ’94.

I remembered, after each ballet class, we used to sneak at the backstage of each of the halls and watch play rehearsals, with costumes and make up being tried and lines being sung or spoken, my heart and soul was being enriched as I watch and long to be part of those plays, even if only as a seamstress or assistant painter or carpenter... that would be swell! Maybe I will try and visit the CCP when I am back in Manila some time this year, and watch a local play.

The night of the performance of Wicked, my heart was racing with anticipation… I took slow steps towards the hall of our seats, savoring my reunion with the theater. After a few minutes of waiting, I held on to Mr. Mister’s hand, the light dims, drum rolls slowly as that of waves coming back to shore, the conductor raises his hand and with his baton commands to struck the first note.

Nobody mourns the wicked! They sang and I watched without blinking, after so many years of longing, holding my breath...

As the 1st act begins.


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